广州市宝鹏名车零件股份有限公司,专注法拉利、玛莎拉蒂、兰博基尼、劳斯莱斯、宾利汽车零件。公司经营宗旨 “诚信经营,客户至少,用心服务” 用人标准 为人诚信,德才兼备,专业知识扎实,工作作风务实,富于团队协作精神,敢于挑战自我,愿意和公司一起发展的优秀人才。 公司远景 我们专注于汽车零部件销售行业的领先者,并向综合性项目全面发展。做中国最全最大的汽车配件供应商。 力求公司更加强大,组成更多的分公司经营其他车型。
Guangzhou bao peng car parts co., LTD focus on ferrari, maserati, lamborghini and Rolls-Royce, bentley car parts. Company business principle "good faith management, customers at the very least, whole-hearted service" standard of choose and employ persons is honest, having both ability and political integrity, solid professional knowledge, work style of pragmatic, full of team cooperation spirit, dare to challenge themselves and are willing to together with the development of talents. Company vision we focus on auto parts sales to be the leader of the industry, and comprehensive project development in an all-round way. Do the most complete of China's largest auto parts suppliers. Strive for the company more powerful, more branch operation of other models.
YunQuan road in yuexiu district of guangzhou city, guangdong province, our company is located in the new 9 # 2, 115 file manager: ZhuangChengWei
Contact number: 15875343789